Content Use and Reprint Policy


All research content created by Hyperion Research is intended to be used internally by our clients. From time to time, clients and third parties may desire to use or reference content from our various research products and results, including MarketView™, VendorView™ and TrendView™ reports. This may also include quoting Hyperion Research or our research analysts in press releases and other publicity materials. The following guidelines set forth the rules for such content use, including PR and reprint rights.



All HGPR research, whether written or captured in audio or video formats, are protected by copyright. In addition, HGPR materials may also be protected by confidentiality or other intellectual property right protections such as patents, trade secrets or trademarks. HGPR reserves all rights to enforce such rights as the laws and other regulations permit.

HGPR materials maybe distributed or otherwise made available through multiple channels including the HGPR research library, HGPR’s website, HGP’s website, blogs, social media posts, videos, audio files, emails, electronic files or media, or other direct distribution such as hardcopy. HGPR copyright and intellectual property protections are considered applicable to all such representations.



All uses of HGPR’s research is subject to our review and approval prior to any use. This includes all external or commercial citations, whether in full or part, to any HGPR research reports, data, analysis or opinion, whether written, video, or audio based materials.

A request to use HGPR materials must be made in writing, ideally with at least 48 hours’ notice, and directed to your primary HGPR contact via email.

All requests must include a complete description of the intended use including the following information:

  • The specific HGPR content desired to be used, including identification of source, e.g., the report name, page(s), and section(s).
  • If seeking a quote, the specific quote language desired or a description of the desired topic on which HGPR will be offering the quote.
  • A full citation of the publication, including date, location and distribution media in which the
  • HGPR materials will be referenced. Please provide complete disclosure if multiple dates,
  • locations or medium are intended.
  • A complete draft copy of the entire final publication as it is intended to be printed including the HGPR materials or quote. If HGPR has required revisions, then a final review must be submitted prior to publication.
  • HGPR reserves the right to deny any request to use HGPR copyrighted materials. Such approval or denial are made at HGPR’s sole discretion, and may be made without further explanation or recourse.



HGPR may, at its sole discretion, allow certain limited and controlled use of HGPR data, analysis or opinions. Such use is subject to HGPR’s pre-approval process, and HGPR’s copyright and intellectual property rights. In addition, the use of HGPR data, analysis or opinion, must also comply with the following specific requirements:

  • All references to HGPR materials must be made with fidelity to the original context, intent and position of the source materials. Any misrepresentation will be a basis for denying use.
  • HGPR data, analysis or opinion may not be used to negatively portray another company or its products. Any such use, whether overt or subtle, will be a basis for denying use.
  • Generally a reference to HGPR materials must include exact copy, verbatim from the source materials, and may not be paraphrased.
  • All references to HGPR materials must include citation reference, preferably inline to the
  • materials but at a minimum in a footnote or endnote.
  • Any diagrams, figures or other graphical representations must include prominent HGPR source attribution, including name of the source report, data, and “Copyright © {year}, Hyperion Research”
  • HGPR data, analysis or opinion may not be used to create separate or independent diagrams, figures or other graphical representations.



HGPR may, at its sole discretion, provide certain limited and controlled reprint rights to HGPR reports, including MarketView™, VendorView™ and TrendView™ reports. Such reprint rights are subject to HGPR’s pre-approval process, and HGPR’s copyright and intellectual property rights. In addition, HGPR report reprints must also comply with the following specific requirements:

  • HGPR reprint rights will be for a fixed duration. Clients must establish distribution controls such as to assure distribution complies with agreed limitations. HGPR reserves the right to audit and receive client validation of such compliance.
  • The distribution of reprinted HGPR reports will be limited to the most current version. Once a report has been updated, any previous reprint rights are terminated, with no further distribution permitted. A new reprint agreement, including any applicable fees, must be agreed.
  • Any reprint of an HGPR report will be designed to be distributed as a complete, standalone document including a cover page or distinct title section. An HGPR reprint may not be combined, embedded or otherwise integrated into any other materials.
  • The reprint design may not be such as to suggest HGPR’s endorsement or other advantage to the client. The HGPR logo must be smaller and positioned distinctly separate from the clients logo.
  • The design must include a clear designation that the materials are a reprint of a HGPR research report, that the reprint is being provided complimentary and without charge, and include HGPR’s copyright and intellectual property notice. For example the following notice should be prominently displayed on the cover page or footer: “These materials are reprinted and provided complimentary by {client name} with the approval of Hyperion Research, a division of Hyperion Global Partners, LLC. Subject to copyright © {year} and other applicable intellectual property. ”
  • HGPR report reprints may be directly distributed by clients through appropriate channels including email, website download, or electronic file transfer (e.g., flash drives.) HGPR report reprints may not be distributed through indirect channels such as third party publishing websites, mass emails, or other third party marketing outlets.
  • HGPR report reprints may not be sold or otherwise distributed for any direct or indirect financial remuneration. Report reprints should be referenced as “complimentary” and without monetary association.



HGPR may, at its sole discretion, allow clients to distribute press releases that quote HGPR research or analysis, or otherwise use certain, specific HGPR materials within other media, advertising or marketing references. Such PR uses are subject to HGPR’s pre-approval process, and HGPR’s copyright and intellectual property rights. In addition, the use of HPGR quotes must also comply with the following specific requirements:

All references to HGPR materials must be made with fidelity to the original context, intent and position of the source materials. Any misrepresentation will be a basis for denying use.

  • When referring to specific assessment findings, whether qualitative or quantitative, HGPR analysis or opinion may not be used to negatively portray another company or its products. Any such use, whether overt or subtle, will be a basis for denying use.
  • HGPR’s assessment of one solution may not be directly compared to another solution.
  • Diagrams, figures or other graphical representations may not be used in a press release.
  • HGPR may not be included in the press release title or subtitle. The HGPR logo may not be used in any press release or other media, advertising or marketing reference.



HGPR content or client materials containing HGPR content are subject to certain distribution limitations. These limits are required in order to maintain HGPR’s brand and its standing in the community as a source of independent and objective research. As a condition of using HGPR content, the following requirements must be followed:

  • HGPR content or client materials containing HGPR content must be distributed only through channels controlled directly by the client. This includes hardcopy printouts or distribution to the client’s opted-in email contacts, through its corporate website, or electronic file transfer (e.g., flash drives.)
  • HGPR content or client materials containing HGPR content may not be distributed through indirect channels such as non-opted email (“spam”), third party publishing websites, mass emails, or other third party marketing outlets.
  • Email subject lines, press release headers, and/or sub-headers may not contain the name “Hyperion Research” or “Hyperion Global Partners” however “Independent Research Firm” may be used. The lead analyst and managing director’s names are not permitted to be used in email subject lines, press release headers, and/or sub-headers.
  • HGPR content or client materials containing HGPR content may not be sold or otherwise distributed for any direct or indirect financial remuneration. Report reprints should be referenced as “complimentary” and without monetary association.