We advise Law Firms, Global 1000 Corporations and other legal service organizations to make intelligent, fact-based decisions about how to achieve operational performance excellence.
Since 2009, Epiq Legal Ops experts have been bringing unmatched expertise with a data led approach to help you transform the business of law. We provide a comprehensive set of legal business advisory solutions that galvanizes our clients’ initiatives and empowers legal teams everywhere to achieve their operational goals.
The profession's leaders, innovators and trend-makers have come to rely on Hyperion Global Partners for packaged, fixed-fee context-driven services packages for advisory, operations and implementation initiatives. We deliver methodology, best practices, and data-backed intelligence to lead you through a structured and informed process designed to deliver specific results.
Hyperion Research is the industry's leading source for Legal Solutions Market Intelligence. The profession's leaders, innovators and trend-makers have come to rely on Hyperion Research as the premier provider of independent market research, analysis and advisory services. We provide unparalleled insight to the leading trends and opportunities in legal strategy, operations, and technology.
Hyperion Global Partners helps you focus on making the right choices - those critical to the operation of your firm and to the business you support with an emphasis on better use of technologies and platforms to realize significant transformation in tactical day-to-day operations and business processes.